Certification exams recognize the assimilation of content and training for the employees. These professional certifications are administered by Domaines Skiables de France (DSF) and the Ministry of Economy of the Government of Andorra.

In order to take the exams, it is necessary to be employed by the ski resort’s administration, which will decide who enrolls according to the qualifications and experience required by each type of training.


There are two types of training for chairlift drivers.

Fixed-grip chairlift operator

L’objectiu és que els alumnes adquireixin els coneixements suficients per conduir telecadires de pinça fixa i puguin solucionar petites avaries i fer reparacions senzilles. Durant el curs s’aprèn el funcionament mecànic d’aquest giny i les seves característiques.

Requisits per presentar-se al certificat de qualificació professional (CQP) per a conductor de telecadires de pinça fixa:
• Have the certificate CQP of Ski Lift and Ski Area Agent
• Minimum experience of one season on the device.
• The candidature must be presented by the ski station.

Type of exam:
• 45-minute theory test with 100 multiple choice questions.
• Practical test: it is carried out in the installation that the candidate usually operates, answering questions about specific and technological aspects of the device as well as practical situations on the ground (approximately one hour).

Fixed-grip chairlift operator

The aim is for students to acquire the knowledge to operate fixedgrip chairlifts and be able to fix small breakdowns, as well as carry out repairs, for example. During the course you will learn the mechanical operations of this lift and its characteristics.

Requirements to present candidatura in the profesional qualification certifícate (CQP) for Fixed-grip Chairlift Operator:
• Have the certificate CQP of Ski Lift and Ski Area Agent
• Minimum experience of one season on the device.
• The candidature must be presented by the ski station.

Type of exam:
• 45-minute theory test with 100 multiple choice questions.
• Practical test: it is carried out in the installation that the candidate usually operates, answering questions about specific and technological aspects of the device as well as practical situations on the ground (approximately one hour).

Detachable-grip chairlift operator

The aim is for students to acquire the knowledge to operate detachable-grip chairlifts and be able to solve small breakdowns and carry out repairs, for example. During the course you will learn the mechanical operation of this lift and its characteristics.

Requirements to present candidature for the Professional Qualification Certificate (CQP) for Detachable-grip Chairlift Operator:

• Have the certificate CQP of Ski Lift and Ski Area Agent
• Minimum experience of one season on the device.
• The candidature must be presented by the ski station.


Type of exam:
• 45-minute theory test with 100 multiple choice questions.
• Practical test: it is carried out in the installation that the candidate usually operates, answering questions about specific and technological aspects of the device as well as practical situations on the ground (approximately one hour).