Training for Ski Patroller Rescuers Level 1
• Specificities of the mountain.
• Meteorology.
• Basic knowledge about snow and avalanches.
• Regulations.
• Functions of the Ski Patroller
• Quality, occupational safety and environment.
• Certified knowledge of the ski area (management of slopes, trails, protection devices, PIDA's)
• Interpersonal communication skills, customer service and
• Rescue and evacuation techniques.
• Be over 18 years old.
• Take the technical test (with a validity of two years).
• Have the PSE1 and the PSE2 (with recycling up to date).

Training for Ski Patroller Rescuers Level 1
Ski Andorra organitza i coordina, juntament amb el Govern d’Andorra, la formació de pister socorrista de primer grau que es fa amb l’organisme de formació francès Greta Midi Pyrénées Ouest.
A Andorra, el Ministeri d’Interior convalida aquest diploma i atorga el títol de pister socorrista de primer grau.
• Specificities of the mountain.
• Meteorology.
• Basic knowledge about snow and avalanches.
• Regulations.
• Functions of the Ski Patroller
• Quality, occupational safety and environment.
• Certified knowledge of the ski area (management of slopes, trails, protection devices, PIDA's)
• Interpersonal communication skills, customer service and
• Rescue and evacuation techniques.
• Be over 18 years old.
• Take the technical test (with a validity of two years).
• Have PSE1 and PSE2 (up to date with renewals).
Technical test
- 18 years old or older
- Have the Arrow (Flèche de vermeil level)
- Present a medical certificate of fitness for skiing.
- French Pyrenees: 29/01/2025
- Andorra: 26/03/2025
Flèche de vermeil
In order to register for the technical test, it is essential to present the Arrow (Flèche de vermeil level) title. This test consists of doing a giant slalom that is accredited by the ESF (French Ski School).
The French ski schools organize this ski test, open to the general public, during the winter season. It is necessary to get information directly from the ESF.
In Andorra, an annual Flèche de vermeil test is organized to obtain this title. Registration must be done through Ski Andorra.
DATE: 23/01/2025